5 Easy Ways to Make the Most of Your Potting Shed
Take cover when gardening on those unpleasant winter mornings and create an outdoor retreat in your potting shed with these handy tips.
The beauty of a potting shed is that it strikes the perfect balance between a greenhouse and a traditional shed. Large, slanted windows allow lots of light to stream in, which your beloved plants will be grateful for. But it also offers practical storage for all your garden tools and pots, and a place to carry out all your gardening tasks throughout the year.
Here’s how you can make the most of your potting shed.
Make Sure Your Potting Is Facing The Right Direction
There’s a reason south-facing gardens are so sought after: they get all the sunshine! You’ll want the windows of your potting shed to be south facing so that they get ample light and heat.
Stay Organised
Keeping your potting shed clean and tidy will make it a lot easier to manage your garden maintenance. Keep your essential tools, like trowels and pruners, on hooks out of the way.
Baskets are a great way to store smaller, loose items like tags and labels.
Use your space creatively and add shelving for pots and other miscellaneous items.
Set Up Your Potting Bench
This is where the magic happens! From deadheading to pruning, your bench will be the centre of all your garden maintenance.
Some potting sheds come with a bench already installed, or you can create your own by upcycling an old table. Be sure to keep the bench at a height that is comfortable for you to work at as you tend to your newest batch of seedlings.
Keep pencils and your garden notebook within reach on your bench so that you can make notes on your seeds progress. Used tins make great DIY pencil pots, so you’ll never be searching for a pencil to label your new seeds.
Grow Your Own Produce
Turn your hobby into delicious home-cooked meals by growing your own produce! A potting shed is the perfect home for growing your own herbs and vegetables.
Any keen gardener will tell you there’s nothing quite like growing something yourself. You can spend hours pottering around, replanting seedlings and planning out what to grow next. Vegetables to start planting in the winter include cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers and squash.
Give It A Makeover
As you’ll be spending many hours in the potting shed, you’ll want to make it your own. Decorate it to your hearts content and make the space truly yours. Consider adding bunting or a bookshelf where you can display gardening books.
And don’t just limit yourself to the inside of your shed! Paint the shed your favourite colour or add hanging baskets for personality and a pop of colour. It’s a wonderful way to brighten the rest of your garden.
Potting Shed Size Guide
If you’re unsure what size potting shed you need, why not review our potting shed size guide! This will help you get the perfect potting shed for your garden.